Email: linye@nju.edu.cn
2008 - 2012 香港大学土木工程系 博士
2005 - 2008 南京大学环境学院 硕士
2001 - 2005 江南大学生物工程学院 学士
2015 – 现在 南京大学,副教授、教授、博导
2013 – 2015 香港大学,博士后
2012 – 2013 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校,博士后
1. 污水生物处理
2. 环境微生物组学
3. 智慧环保
1. 国际标准化组织工业水回用分技术委员会(ISO TC282/SC4)秘书
2.《Water Science and Technology》编委
3.《Journal of Environmental Sciences》青年编委
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持,2019.01-2022.12
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持,2017.01-2019.12
3. 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,主持,2020.07-2023.06
4. 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,主持,2016.07-2019.06
5. 江苏省重点研发计划子课题,主持,2019.07-2022.06
1. Haohao Sun, Kailong Huang, Xuxiang Zhang, Hongqiang Ren, Lin Ye*, Stable isotope probing reveals specific assimilating bacteria of refractory organic compounds in activated sludge. Water Research. 2022, 118105.
2. Haohao Sun, Ran Mei, Xu-Xiang Zhang, Hongqiang Ren, Wen-Tso Liu, Lin Ye*, Bacterial enrichment in highly-selective acetate-fed bioreactors and its application in rapid biofilm formation. Water Research. 2020, 115359.
3. Lin Ye*, Ran Mei, Wen-Tso Liu, Hongqiang Ren, Xu-Xiang Zhang*, Machine learning-aided analyses of thousands of draft genomes reveal specific features of activated sludge processes. Microbiome. 2020, 8:16.
4. Juntao Xia, Haohao Sun, Xu-Xiang Zhang, Tong Zhang, Hongqiang Ren, Lin Ye*, Aromatic compounds lead to increased abundance of antibiotic resistance genes in wastewater treatment bioreactors. Water Research. 2019, 166:115073.
5. Qing Hu, Xu-Xiang Zhang*, Shuyu Jia, Kailong Huang, Junying Tang, Peng Shi, Lin Ye*, Hongqiang Ren, Metagenomic insights into ultraviolet disinfection effects on antibiotic resistome in biologically treated wastewater. Water Research. 2016, 101:309-317.
6. Haiyan Yu, Bing Wu*, Xu-Xiang Zhang, Su Liu, Jing Yu, Shupei Cheng, Hongqiang Ren, Lin Ye*, Arsenic metabolism and toxicity influenced by ferric iron in simulated gastrointestinal tract and the roles of gut microbiota. Environmental Science & Technology. 2016, 50:7189-7197.
7. Lin Ye, Jon Amberg, Duane Chapman, Mark Gaikowski, Wen-Tso Liu, Fish gut microbiota analysis differentiates physiology and behavior of invasive Asian carp and indigenous American fish. The ISME journal. 2014, 8:541-551.
8. Lin Ye, Tong Zhang, Taitao Wang, Zhiwei Fang, Microbial structures, functions and metabolic pathways in wastewater treatment bioreactors revealed using high-throughput sequencing. Environmental Science & Technology. 2012, 46:13244-13252.
9. Lin Ye, Tong Zhang, Pathogenic bacteria in sewage treatment plants as revealed by 454 Pyrosequencing. Environmental Science & Technology. 2011, 45:7173-7179
10. Lin Ye, Ming-Fei Shao, Tong Zhang, Amy Hin Yan Tong, Si Lok, Analysis of the bacterial community in a laboratory-scale nitrification reactor and a wastewater treatment plant by 454-pyrosequencing. Water Research. 2011,45: 4390-4398.
1. 叶林,孙浩浩,张徐祥,任洪强, 一种好氧厌氧一体化颗粒污泥反应器及其处理废水的方法,专利号:ZL201610822976.6
2. 叶林,刘美田,陶文达,张徐祥,任洪强,一种青霉素废水高效处理菌剂及其制备方法和应用,专利号:ZL201610895774.4
3. 叶林,孙浩浩,张徐祥,任洪强,黄开龙,一种快速富集苯酚高效降解菌群装置及使用方法,专利号:ZL201810789998.6
4. 叶林,黄开龙,张良颖,张徐祥,任洪强,一种脱氮除磷的水处理装置及其处理方法,专利号:ZL201911321235.X
5. 叶林,江伟,孙浩浩,张徐祥,黄开龙,任洪强,一种污泥活性固化物及其制备方法和应用,专利号:ZL202010669714.7
6. 叶林,孙浩浩,张徐祥,黄开龙,任洪强,一种去除水中有机微污染物的方法与装置,专利号:ZL202010669006.3